Typelogic - ISTP
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A Functional Analysis: Relationships 2.5

A Functional Analysis of Type: Relationships 2.5 contains insights toward understanding how the various types interact. You select (Type by Type) any of 256 possible combinations of types to see a diagram of the functional relationship and a description of one of 16 families of type relationships. How do INFPs and ESFJs relate? Select these types and read about Cohort relationships. ENTJ and ISFP? Select them to see the graphic inner workings of the fascinating Anima encounter.
This electronic book also contains profiles of the 16 psychological types and a functional analysis of each type, based on Jung's function-attitude pairs. What makes us tick? Functional analysis descriptions contain insights into the inner workings of preferred functions and attitudes in the innate hierarchical orderings that exist in our various human psyches.
Version 2.5 contains the same insights as version 2.0 in much improved stand-alone formats for both Windows and MacIntosh.
Our software is available for download from The Virtual Software Store. Credit cards, online checks and FAX orders are accepted.
Download A Functional Analysis: Relationships 2.5 for $15.00 at:
the Virtual Software Store (Windows)  
the Virtual Software Store (MacIntosh)

A Functional Analysis: Relationships 2.5 Plus

Get both A Functional Analysis of Type: Relationships 2.5 and Elements of Type and Shadow in one package.

A Functional Analysis of Type: Relationships 2.5 contains insights toward understanding how the various types interact, taken two at a time. Elements of Type and Shadow is the PDF form of IDIC and TypeLogic's popular booklet that provides basic information about type along with John Bathurst's insights into the shadow side of type.

This bundle includes both titles in an interactive, single installation package at a discount price.

Download A Functional Analysis: Relationships 2.5 Plus for $20.00 at:
the Virtual Software Store (Windows)  
the Virtual Software Store (MacIntosh)
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